2025 Spring Gardening Seminars

2025 Spring Gardening Seminars

All classes are free!
Classes last from 30-60 minutes
5800 S. Yellowstone Hwy. Idaho Falls, ID (208) 522-5247

(Topics, Dates, and Instructors are subject to change without notice)

Date and time Seminar Topic
Feb. 8
10 a.m.
Houseplants 101:
Learn how to be a confident and competent plant parent! We will cover everything from plant selection and pest management to watering and light requirements.
Feb. 15
10 a.m.
Pruning and Tree Care:
Learn tips and tricks for selecting the perfect houseplant and keeping it lush and healthy. Sarah will share her favorite plants for low light and high light areas as well as the safest plants for kids and pets.
Feb. 22
10 a.m.
Starting Seeds Indoors:
Learn how to start your own flowers and vegetables from seed. Learn the ins and outs of germination, lighting, watering, fertilization, and transplanting.
Mar. 1
10 a.m.
Berries and Small Fruits:
Enjoy delicious berries and small fruit from your own yard! Strawberries, raspberries, currants, and other fruit varieties will be covered. Learn about variety selection, planting, pruning and long-term care.
Mar. 8
10 a.m.
Beginner Gardening for East Idaho:
Learn all about gardening in East Idaho! Whether you’re new to the area or just new to gardening, this class will teach you what you need to know to become a successful gardener.
Mar. 15
10 a.m.
Town and Country 4-step lawn care system:
Learn about our 4-step lawn care system and how to use early season fertilizers, best watering practices, and the most effective pest management methods. We’ll help you keep your lawn looking great all season long!
Mar. 22
10 a.m.
Fruit Trees for Eastern Idaho:
Enjoy delicious fruit from trees in your own backyard! Discussion will include variety selection, pruning, planting, and care of apples, peaches, cherries, pears, plums, and more. Learn everything you need to know to start your own backyard orchard!
Mar. 29
10 a.m.
Totally Tomatoes:
The art of growing tomatoes from start to finish. Learn about variety selection, fertilization, pruning, disease control, and more!
Apr. 5
10 a.m.
Raised Bed Gardening:
Learn a new way to grow vegetables in a smaller, more confined space above ground. The best part, NO WEEDS. Growing your own vegetables has never been easier!
Apr. 12
10 a.m.
Organic Management of Pests and Weeds:
An experienced community gardener teaches you how to organically manage the twin trials of unwelcome critters and unruly weeds! Learn best practices and tips & tricks to avoid conventional pest and weed management.