Powdery Mildew


Powdery mildew on rose Powdery Mildew is a common fungal disease that is most often seen afflicting roses, garden phlox, and bee balm, but is also frequently seen in lilacs, maples, honeysuckle, serviceberry,

Powdery Mildew2013-06-11T16:02:46-06:00

Thinning Fruit Trees- When Less is More


Today I'm passing some valuable information along without edit. It's from the Weekly Orchard Pest Update, Utah State University Extension, June 7 , 2013. Peaches needing thinned. It is time to thin apples

Thinning Fruit Trees- When Less is More2013-06-08T10:15:54-06:00

What’s a Tomaccio?


Dried Tomaccios I first heard about Tomaccio tomatoes two years ago when we were able to acquire a few plants for our garden center. Apparently plant breeders in Israel worked for 12 years

What’s a Tomaccio?2013-06-03T09:59:00-06:00

How Hardy are Roses… Really.


Roses sometimes get a bum rap for being tender and high maintenance. And while that is partially true for the classic hybrid teas, which need to be mulched and protected in the winter (and prayed

How Hardy are Roses… Really.2013-05-27T16:34:20-06:00

Don’t want wormy apples?


I checked my apple and peach trees the other day to see how well the blossoms weathered the frosts this spring. My peach tree looks to have only sparse fruit, but it looks like my

Don’t want wormy apples?2024-04-24T20:25:08-06:00

Scare (score) your fruit tree into blossoming.


I had a call from a customer this week wondering why the apple trees that he purchased five years ago hadn't blossomed yet. I told him that apples typically take 2 to 6 years to begin

Scare (score) your fruit tree into blossoming.2013-05-18T13:28:19-06:00

Grafted Tomatoes?


Grafted fruit trees have been the norm for many years. Nearly all fruit trees are grafted. Grafting not only assures variety purity, but can also provide increased hardiness and decreased tree size for easier harvesting.

Grafted Tomatoes?2013-05-09T16:02:03-06:00

A Short History of the Geranium


Zonal Geranium Geraniums have been one of the most popular flowers in American gardens for over 200 years. Few plants offer such a wide variety of colors, scents, and leaf patterns as do geraniums.

A Short History of the Geranium2024-07-22T20:28:28-06:00


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